2024December 2 -
12月2日(moon)14時より予約受付開始!! **冬休みわくわく教室** 皆さまのご参加お待ちしております! スケジュールはコチラ↓↓ 体験予約は・・・ 12月21日(soil)まで申し込みOK! まずはお電話での仮予約をおススメいたします。仮予約後、ともえプレイスクールにご来館いただき、申込用紙記入と受講料をお納めください。 予約、お問い合わせはコチラまで 0566-98-4660 ☆募集状況☆ 2024/12/24 現在 【スイミング】 (A)1 Day Experience(Years old to old) 12/25(moon)9:30~10:30 3 people left (B)1 Day Experience(Years old to old) 12/26(Wood)9:30~10:30 Available (C)1 Day Experience(Years old to old) 12/27(gold)9:30~10:30 3 people left (D)クロール3日間コース(primary school student) ※バタ足ができる子~ 12/25(水)~12/27(gold) 9:30~10:30 3 people left (E)チャレンジテスト付き泳力レベルアップ3日間コース(Older to elementary school students) 12/25(水)~12/27(gold) 11:00~12:00 Available (F)Private Lessons(From all year round) 12/25(水)13:00~13:40 Thank you for the full house (G)Private Lessons(From all year round) 12/26(Wood)13:00~13:40 One person left. (H)Private Lessons(From all year round) 12/27(gold)13:00~13:40 Thank you for the full house (I)Pool opening(Young~Elementary School Students) 12/25(水)14:30~16:00…
2024September 9 -
本日9月9日(moon)We will ♪ start accepting people who will experience it in October We will hold a new & introductory campaign(♪ ^^ Why don't you take this opportunity to experience it?(*^^*) Of course, you can also get great deals! ! ↓↓Campaign contents are here ↓↓ ★ campaign period★ 10/4(gold)~10/31(Wood) * You will experience ★ it during this period Experience fee ★ 1,000円 ★申し込み方法★ 本日、9月9日(moon)We have started accepting people who have experienced it. Please make a reservation by phone. Please note that the trial slot is limited. Reservations are also being accepted at the same time. ★ Benefits ★ for members [Admission fee] 3,300円→0円 【指定バック】 2,750円→プレゼント[The kangaroo club does not have a designated bag.] ※特典は期間中にご体験をし、2024年10月~11月入会者に限り適用となります さらに! ともえプレイスクールをお友達にご紹介いただき、ご紹介者さまがご入会された会員様は感謝の気持ちを込めてプレゼントを贈呈いたします♪ ★紹介者さま特典★ ご紹介人数×商品券500円分プレゼント!! 紹介人数に上限はございません!! ※紹介者された方が入会申し込み完了後の進呈となります ※新規入会のご紹介のみに適用となります(Course changes are not eligible) * Those who have been enrolled within 3 months are not eligible Kangaroo Club, Kids Swimming, Junior Swimming, Junior Athletic Please take this opportunity to have an exciting lesson at the play school ☆ Please check the image for details. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
2024June 14 -
We are ♪ ★ looking for people to experience it *Summer vacation exciting class* ★ Please ★ take this opportunity to participate Let's move ♪ your body during summer vacation Click here for schedule details ↓ ↓ The number of participants is limited. We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.(♪ ^^ For reservations and inquiries, please contact here 0566-98-4660 In addition, the trial reception during regular lessons is July 1.(moon)~August 31(soil)It comes to. If the schedule of the summer vacation exciting class does not match, please book a regular lesson experience.(^^) ★募集状況★ 2024/8/2 現在 【スイミング】 (A)4日間コース(Years old to old)7/29(moon)~8/1(Wood) 残り1名 (B)お水で遊ぼう(Years and all year round)8/2(gold) 3 people left (C)1Day Experience(Years old to old)8/1(Wood) Available (D)1Day Experience(Years old to old)7/29(moon) Available (E)4日間コース(From all year round to elementary school students)7/29(moon)~8/1(Wood) Thank you for the full house (F)1Day Experience(From all year round to elementary school students)8/2(gold) Two more. (G)1Day Experience(From all year round to elementary school students)7/30(fire) 残り1名 (H)クロール特訓(primary school student) 7/31(水)・8/1(Wood) Available (I)Private Lessons(From all year round)7/30(fire) Thank you for the full house (J)Private Lessons(From all year round)8/1(Wood) Thank you for the full house (K)Pool opening(Young~Elementary School Students)7/29(moon) Thank you for the full house (L)Pool opening(Young~Elementary School Students) 7/31(水) Thank you for the full house (M)Take the kids(2 years old to preschooler)7/29(moon)~7/31(水) Thank you for the full house (N)カンガルー体験(4ヶ月~未就園児)8/2(gold) 残り1名…
It's summer! Swim! Run! Let's ♪ make it a summer with a lot of "Done!" From today, we will start accepting limited pre-orders for the summer vacation exciting class.!(^^)! The target person of the advance reservation is a child of Tomoe Play School member (sibling possible), Tomoe kindergarten, koho nursery school(^^♪ 一般受付はチラシ折込日 6月14日(金)14時より受付いたします。 詳細、スケジュールはこちら↓↓ まずはお電話での仮予約をおススメいたします。仮予約後、ともえプレイスクールにご来館いただき、申込用紙記入と受講料をお納めください。 ご予約・お問い合わせは 0566-98-4660 ともえプレイスクールLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
2024February 9 -
As of March 25, 2024(moon)~27 days(水)Done to Spring Break Exciting Classroom We are ♪ looking for experience participants Click here for the schedule ↓↓ The number of seats is limited, so please apply as soon as possible.(♪ ^^ For reservations and inquiries, please contact us at 0566-98-4660 Junior Swimming, Junior Athletic and Kids Course 2024, regular class experience will be held on April 1, 2024(moon)より受付開始いたします。 3月通常クラス体験は年度末クラス調整の為、ジュニアスイミング・ジュニアアスレチック・キッズコースは受付しておりません。 3月の体験はカンガルークラブのみの受付となります。 あらかじめご了承ください。 ★募集状況★ 2024/3/23 現在 この機会にぜひご体験ください! 【スイミング】 (A)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon) Two more. (B)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/27(水) One person left. (C)3 Days Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon)~3/27(水) Available (D)1 Day Experience(Older to elementary school students)3/26(fire) Thank you for the full house (E)3 Days Experience(primary school student)3/25(moon)~3/27(水) Available (F)Take the kids(2Age ~ Preschooler)3/25(moon)~3/27(水) One person left. (G)Private Lessons(From all year round)3/25(moon) One person left. (H)Private Lessons(From all year round)3/26(fire) Thank you for the full house (Ⅰ)Private Lessons(From all year round)3/27(水) Thank you for your full attendance [Athletic] (1)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon) Thank you for the full house (2)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/26(fire) One person left. (3)1 Day Experience(Middle~3rd grade of elementary school)3/27(水) Thank you for the full house (4)3 Days Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon)~3/27(水)…
2024February 5 -
This spring, Tomoe Play School will hold an exciting class during spring break.!(^^)! Therefore, we will accept advance reservations only for Tomoe Play School members (brothers and sisters allowed), Tomoe Kindergarten, and children of Koho Nursery School from 14 o'clock on Monday, February 5th. General reception will be accepted from 2 p.m. on Friday, February 9, the day of the flyer insertion. Click here for details ↓↓ Reservations for popular courses are fully booked, so we recommend that you make a tentative reservation by phone first. For reservations and inquiries, please call 0566-98-4660 and start accepting applications on February 5(moon)It's from 14 o'clock! We look forward to your reservation(♪ ^^ Tomoe Playschool Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.