2024February 9, 2008

2024年 春休みわくわく教室 受付開始♪(3/23現在)

2024Spring Break Exciting Class Registration Starts ♪ (as of 3/23)

As of March 25, 2024(moon)~27 days(water)Done to Spring Break Exciting Classroom We are ♪ looking for experience participants Click here for the schedule ↓↓ The number of seats is limited, so please apply as soon as possible.(♪ ^^ For reservations and inquiries, please contact us at 0566-98-4660 Junior Swimming, Junior Athletic and Kids Course 2024, regular class experience will be held on April 1, 2024(moon)より受付開始いたします。 3月通常クラス体験は年度末クラス調整の為、ジュニアスイミング・ジュニアアスレチック・キッズコースは受付しておりません。 3月の体験はカンガルークラブのみの受付となります。 あらかじめご了承ください。 ★募集状況★ 2024/3/23 現在 この機会にぜひご体験ください! 【スイミング】 (A)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon) Two more. (B)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/27(water) One person left. (C)3 Days Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon)~3/27(water) Available (D)1 Day Experience(Older to elementary school students)3/26(fire) Thank you for the full house (E)3 Days Experience(primary school student)3/25(moon)~3/27(water) Available (F)Take the kids(2Age ~ Preschooler)3/25(moon)~3/27(water) One person left. (G)Private Lessons(From all year round)3/25(moon) One person left. (H)Private Lessons(From all year round)3/26(fire) Thank you for the full house (Ⅰ)Private Lessons(From all year round)3/27(water) Thank you for your full attendance [Athletic] (1)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon) Thank you for the full house (2)1 Day Experience(Years old to old)3/26(fire) One person left. (3)1 Day Experience(Middle~3rd grade of elementary school)3/27(water) Thank you for the full house (4)3 Days Experience(Years old to old)3/25(moon)~3/27(water)…